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365 Promises of God >>

How to request data deletion on 365 Promises of God App

Follow this simple guide in other to Delete your 365 account

1. Sign in to your 365 Promises of God App:
Once you are signed in, navigate to your account by clicking the avatar at the bottom right or at the top left drawer. On your account's page, click the 'Gear' icon by the top right t bring out more account options.

Scroll to the bottom of the screen, under the 'My Account' section and tap 'Delete My Account' button. A dialog box will appear asking you if you want to deactivate and permanently delete your account.

Tap 'DEACTIVATE' to start the account deletion process, or 'CANCEL' to return

Note that you can revert your action within a seven (7) days window. If you wish to cancel your request, make sure to do so before seven (7) days elapse. At the end of seven (7) days, all user data including saved Notes, Prayers, etc. will be permanently deleted from our database To give users a window to revert their action, the account will not be deleted until seven (7) days elapse without user cancelling their request. If not, all user data - email, username, notes, prayers, etc. will be permanently deleted.

Hope you found this helpful? If you have more question, kindly contact us.